About us

A small organisation of heart centred souls, born to serve humanity in every loving way possible.

Jenna has dedicated her life purpose to the evolution of the golden age.

My own self-inquiry over the years have taken me travelling extensively to study traditional practices and techniques with various shamans, teachers and schools.

Along the way ive have made many meaningful heart connections with amazingly talented artisans who create beautiful sacred items, various natural medicines and health care products that have been used for my own healing, ceremonies and rituals throughout the years and felt called to create an online shop to offer a stunning collection of unique fair-trade arts & crafts that have been ethnically sourced and chosen personally from indigenous communities.

This work contributes to supporting tribes and families to build a better life for themselves while helping to maintain their ancient wisdom and culture.

I feel honoured to share theses with you, in hope that they can also help you on your soul journey, raise your vibration and balance your energy.

JENNA is very passionate about bringing souls together and creating a space for healing and a place of community.

Her soul calling is to help others explore the depths within themselves and experience an elevated state of consciousness.

She has traveled the world on a quest of knowledge and understanding and has taken part in many courses,retreats & ceremonies over ther years to strengthen her spirit and has studied with a number of teachers.

Yoga and meditation were her studies for many years and it was through the body that she had such profound healing and wisdom, completing Teacher Trainings in Ashtanga, Hatha Vinyasa, Yin Yoga & Thai Yoga Massage , working with the body where we store unprocessed tramas is where she loves to help others experience releases.

Jenna’s thirst for spirtual wisdom has taken her on a journey of the heart with many twists and turns, her own personal story has been extreme , clearing shadow and deeply imbedded conditioning so she can be of service to humanity .

Clearing her own distortions has meant she can truly connect with a contrast of personalities and understand a vass amount of different experiences, unprocessed emotions , unconscious cycles , which supports rapid shifts and life changing results for people, all within a powerful, safe, container , for her clients to feel held and loved through their transformation.

Jenna enjoys creating holistic and wellbeing events , hosting retreats to awaken the master within.

She started her own business , Aureum Horus in 2018 creating a shamanic shop which supports indigenous tribes and families in south america .

The knowledge she has gained while visiting theses countries, sitting in ceremonies and wisdom learned by the tribes and traditions she feels destined to share and be a bridge for the new world.

This beautiful passion and divine purpose guides Jenna to share and travel to festivals around the world with a platform of many healing tools and sacred medicines.


Our own personal journeys have taken us deep into the darkness & back again, giving us the ability to connect with a huge variety of personalities, their traumas and lifestyle.

This path has allowed us to tap into forgotten knowledge through the use of sacred medicines, practices & traditions that expand the consciousness of the mind and connects us deeper to the soul so that we can live life from the heart.

Theses ways of healing transformed our lives and we now wish to create a platform for others to experience the same, to truly know freedom, happiness, peace and harmony.

We provide a safe space for you to dive deep into your healing process and develop a connection to your unique soul that can help you understand your past life choices with a higher awareness of current patterns playing our in your reality.

Seeing ourselves from this place of understanding can help us break free from destructive ways and experience the unconditional love within.

When everything falls apart, we learn to be compassionate with ourselves. We learn to listen, acknowledge and embrace our emotions by being non-rejecting of our feelings.

It is from this place of softness, of recognizing that we have fallibility, just like everyone else, that we can take crucial steps forward and change our life for the better.

You do not heal from trauma, and nobody heals you either.

You simply reconnect with that sacred place in yourself that was never traumatised, never broken, never damaged in the first place; Your TRUE Self, absolute and ever-present, innocent and free.

When we allow ourselves time and space to process our feelings, we can shift our perception of the situation at hand. This allows us to act from a more balanced place, elevating our consciousness and as a result we experience a fuller life, living from the heart centre.

The healing traditions of our work we share are ancient yet a pioneering path to health that help us re-discovering our true nature & re-awakening our consciousness to its fullest potential.

Our work focuses on personal development, we use a combination of specific skills, tools & practices to support you to make positive and lasting changes that will enable you to flourish on all levels of your being (emotional, psychological, physical & spiritual)

We carry our memories in our physical being, we feel heavy wearing our past like an armour, eventually becoming physically & mentally unwell.

Energetically we store theses vibrations as baggage and eventually when our cup is full, we begin to suffer some of the below symptoms;

• Anxiety

• Addiction

• Depression

• Eating Disorders

• Heartbreak & Trauma

• Stuck In Repeating Cycles

• Unclear Vision & Direction of Life

Feeling our Emotions are a vital part of the Human Experience & how we feel is an Essential Indication of where we may need to focus Our Spiritual Work.

As a species we have lost the most important & sacred aspect of being human


We offer the following therapies;

• Conscious Counselling / Women & Men Circles

• Shamanic Energy Massage / Reiki Sessions / Reflexology

• Various Yoga & Breathe Work Practices

• Crystal & Sound Healing Therapy

• Shamanic Medicine Ceremonies

If you are interested in booking in for a session or joining a retreat, please fill out our form here and create an account